The biggest mistake people make in trying to lose weight is not eating. This is not a good idea! By not eating we reduce 'Food into mouth' and therefore decrease weight, right? Yes, and No. Learn more.

Losing weight comes down to some simple math:

Current Weight = Food Into Mouth - Food Burned Off

We need this number to be negative (i.e. we burn off more food than we eat).

Because your body is using more fuel than you are eating, it has to get it from somewhere else, which it takes from your body!

in order to lose weight, we need our caloric intake to be negative. There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. Increase food burned off (i.e. exercise)
  2. Decrease food into mouth (aka what most people call a 'diet')

The biggest mistake people make in trying to lose weight is not eating. This is not a good idea!

By not eating we reduce 'Food into mouth' and therefore decrease weight, right?

Yes, and no.

The weight you lose first is water, which is why people often find they lose pounds easily early on in a diet, after which they struggle to shift the pounds.

Not eating also puts your body into starvation mode, in which it stores fat. Read that again. Stores fat. This is not what we want. The reason it does this is because fat holds more calories per gram than carbs or protein, so the body holds onto it, knowing if we are reduced to starvation, it will 'eat' off the easy stuff first (carbs and protein, 4 calories per gram) and leave the fat till last (9 calories per gram).

So, we can't not eat, but what can we eat?
We will continue this guide on Part 2.

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